Thursday, April 18, 2013

You're gonna die!

View from Mt Leconte, TN
Ok, that heading is a bit much, but looking at this from the view of a much younger person, well I was actually told that. But when it was said, no doubt the words carried the weight of someone not wanting any harm to come to me. That means so much! So after explaining to my dear little buddy that there's almost no chance of me dying from this procedure and in fact there's a greater chance for another person to live - well that made things a little better on his end. But still, I don't he was too keen on this.

There's almost always risk in any sacrifice. No matter how large or small. The more I share with people about this, there seems to be some enlightening on both sides of the table. There are many things that I would almost never consider doing in my life. Heck, I don't like crawl spaces, but sometimes I have to go into them for building inspections. I may not like it, but I do it. Slowly that fear is being conquered. Then there are other things that I love doing. Helping others. I'm sure there are limits to what one can do for his fellow man, but I haven't hit that ceiling cap yet. So even in death - we are given the chance to help others. What we leave behind is a testament to that.

Q: How are you spending the last few days before Tuesday?
A: Enjoying as many people as I can! I may not get time to spend with everyone, but that doesn't mean that you haven't crossed my mind. And this only puts me on pit road for only several weeks. I'll be back in the race afterwards or mountains that is. 

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